Singing for Joy

God respects me when I work, but loves me when I sing.
—Rabindranath Tagore

This quote made me laugh. It reminds me of poor Andy when I sang to Kaitlin when she was a baby. Andy has perfect pitch and I’m tone deaf, so he would say,

Don’t do that! You’ll ruin her ear!

Well, sorry about that. I wasn’t about to give up singing to my one and only baby. She liked it, of course, and I’m guessing God didn’t mind.

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23 Responses to Singing for Joy

  1. Was Andy right, does your daughter have an ear for music now?

    • Jean says:

      I have no idea. She does have a lot of joy in her life. 🙂

    • Jean says:

      Actually, I took singing lessons years later from a woman who promised she could teach anyone, even people who couldn’t carry a tune. I brought Kaitlin along when she was home for a visit and she had no problem singing the right notes… and her voice was a lot better than mine. That’s why I learned to play the piano in the past, and now the glockenspiel. All I have to do is hit the right keys and enjoy the sounds.

  2. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    You are so right!!

  3. That’s a sweet story your shared. You keep singing!!!

  4. MadSnapper says:

    my brother is tone deaf, and when he was in the 5th grade, they had a class dancing singing show. he came home and said the teacher said she needed him to open and close the curtains, not be in the show, that no one did the curtains as well as he did. we all knew about the tone deaf so new why. for years there was a woman in our church, she could not carry a tune, it was hurtful to the ears. she sang in the choir and we all fought over who would not sit next to her and the music minster used to let her sing a solo and I would sit there an wonder if her children new she could not sing or if they thought she was good.. he said God loves people singing to him no matter what it sounds like..

    • Jean says:

      What a sweet teacher your brother had! I used to just mouth the words in group singing, but then I took singing lessons from a great woman who said she could teach anyone to sing. They were fun and at the end she said I could sing in a choir if I wanted. By then I was involved in other things and decided not to join one.

  5. Linda Sand says:

    I just read a thing about God that made me think: Jesus doesn’t want us to worship Him; He just wants us to love one another. Singing to your baby is a good way to show love. After all, we are told to “make joyful noise unto the Lord”; joyful does not require being in tune. Trust me on that one.

  6. Cindi says:

    I like what Linda said –
    Making a joyful noise!
    I have no idea how I sound when I sing,
    but my dogs get very excited when I do!

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    Love it. I only sing at home alone.

  8. Hootin Anni says:

    Tone deaf or not…it “was music to your daughter’s ears”!!!

  9. Rose says:

    I need your teacher! I am with Ann…sing at home, or by myself. My brothers used to.tell ne To please shut up! Ir would I be quiet.

  10. I’ve a strong suspicion those songs you sang to baby Kaitlin germinated the joy she possesses today.
    These days I only dare sing to my pups, but they’re kind enough not to complain.

  11. I lived with guys for a time in my life and I loved to beat the table or whatever to any tune, that I was either singing along to your not – and they were forever telling me my “beat” was all wrong! I just smiled and carried on regardless. You see, by then I’d began to hate them, self righteous all that carry on, so if annoyed them, too bad
    Now I usually live in silence with just the noises around me, today the heat pump as it’s a damp and gloomy wet day…

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