Sober, Steadfast, and Sedate

As Andy walked around the house Wednesday he suddenly remembered something that tickled us years and years ago. It was a spoof of John Milton’s lines,

Come, pensive nun, devout and pure,
Sober, steadfast, and demure.

A book of outhouse humor changed it to,

Sober, steadfast, and sedate.
Walks as if she’s eighty-eight.

Andy is 88 now, so it’s even funnier. Yes, it is silly… hurray for silliness and light hearts. And hurray for 60 years of shared memories.

Have you laughed at anything silly recently?

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12 Responses to Sober, Steadfast, and Sedate

  1. Linda Sand says:

    A sign to restrooms said, “Men to the left because women are always right.”
    Another one said, “I drink wine because my doctor told me not to keep things bottled up.” I have several blog friends who share signs like these.

  2. That’s cute! I love to laugh … most often at something silly I’VE said or done.

  3. Catalyst says:

    The memes you’ve sent me.

  4. MadSnapper says:

    You know how much I love silly things and a silly things that we let laugh at are mostly our bow doing crazy silly things that we feel dogs should not do. I was walking like I was 188 for the past few days but today I am better and I did walk b e a u for his morning walk not quite as far as he usually goes but almost

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