Happiness as a Garden

That’s the way I look at it,

Pulling the weeds, nurturing the flowers, delighting in watching things grow.

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14 Responses to Happiness as a Garden

  1. nick says:

    I love watching things grow, especially at this time of year when everything’s growing like mad. I just wish the weeds would get bored and try someone else’s garden….

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s a good way to look at it. Great comparison.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    happiness from a garden is someone else doing this and me seeing the results. .

  4. I’m with Sandra, lol. Green growy things spot me and shudder.
    Love your ‘selfie’!

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    What an interesting way of looking at it!

  6. Catalyst says:

    I’ve been digging weeds in our yard the past couple of days. (Only a few at a time.) But they’re just lying there until I can get out there with my picker-upper tool. I need extreme help to rise if I get down on my knees.

  7. I’ve only 3 pots now, and since I moved them to be a collective family – they are so happy. Of course our summer wasn’t as dry so they got a lot of sustenance (H2O)

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