Speaking of Skunks — The Third and Fourth Encounters

After their third encounter with a skunk, Kaitlin and Torben had a new strategy. Montana wrote about it in SKUNKS 3: Hey, it was the new girl!

The revised adjusted Plan: do not bring the skunked dog in the house. Have 1 person go outside with dog. Close all doors. Throw the following outside: paper towels, Nature’s Miracle Skunk-off, 2 plastic bags, and a robe.

  1. Person outside to wipe down dog with skunk-off and paper towels.
  2. Throw all towels in 1 plastic bag and tie bag shut.
  3. Take off clothes and place in the other plastic bag; tie, and do not open until the bag is in a washing machine.
  4. Put on robe and proceed to a shower once step 5 is complete.
  5. Knock on the door and insist it is okay to come inside.

They wrote, “don’t bring the skunked dog into the house.” But that’s the part they had trouble with. In the third skunk episode (when they brought both dogs into the basement as quickly as they could) they tried deskunking Sammy, who was offended by being drenched with the Nature’s Miracle Skunk-Off solution. He hadn’t been skunked at all, Montana had. So when the humans figured that out and started working on Montana, Sammy very carefully peed in the crate that Montana slept in and thoroughly drenched it. Just to make sure everyone got the message about his displeasure.

So then when the fourth incident occurred, Kaitlin and stinky Montana had to wait while unskunked Sammy ran around in the yard. He had learned his lesson and was trying to avoid the humans with the Skunk-Off solution. Montana tells that story in Skunks 4: Multiple Perspectives.

Fortunately no more stories since then (2016), and hopefully that was their last skunk encounter. Fingers crossed.

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14 Responses to Speaking of Skunks — The Third and Fourth Encounters

  1. oh my – so glad we don’t have SKUNKS!

    nor those porpines things that quills detach onto a pet!

  2. MadSnapper says:

    i am laughing my head off. love love love these stories and what a great PLAN… the good news is there is a new guy in town guarantteed to take the smell off. they sell it at Chewy and on Amazon. saw the ad twice yesterday.
    it is called POOPF Spray, kills odors on dogs/cats/humans and in the hosue.

  3. I should be sorry for laughing so hard … really, I should.
    I’ll be headed over to Skunks 4 after church. Keep ’em coming!

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I doubt they have learned their lesson. Vets say that dogs never learn not to tangle with skunks. And porcupines, too!

    • Jean says:

      That’s interesting. Sammy certainly knew enough that fourth time to run to the opposite side of the house from Montana because he didn’t want to be implicated. And when he saw the humans with the Skunk Off he ran away from them. He didn’t trust them. not to make the same mistake again.

  5. Bruce Taylor says:

    That’s a great post. And, like you said the other day, I’m still laughing! ?

  6. Bruce Taylor says:

    That’s a great post. And, like you said the other day, I’m still laughing!

  7. Bruce Taylor says:

    Sheesh! 3 comments from one guy. Just wanted to say that Word Press apparently won’t accept my emojis so instead of a laughing face in that top one you got a question mark. I went back and tried to delete it and instead got another comment. So read ’em and imagine that question mark is me laughing. Harumph!

    • Jean says:

      I know, I guessed that’s what the question mark was. WordPress makes us use the keyboard: :D = 😀 See tomorrow’s post.

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    I’m sure this was not the least bit funny at the time but it sure does make for good story. I’m getting a good chuckle out of reading it.

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