Do You Ever Feel This Way?

My decision-making skills closely resemble those of a squirrel when crossing a road.
Alt National Park Service

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14 Responses to Do You Ever Feel This Way?

  1. MadSnapper says:

    Yes, yes I do! quite often in fact

  2. Myra Guca says:

    I’ve usually no problem making a decision, yet —
    Tom’s convinced one of these days I’m going to drive into a tree whilst trying to avoid a squirrel.

  3. Linda Sand says:

    What? You supposed to make a decision and stick with it? Where’s the fun in that?

  4. Catherine says:

    Some of my decisions take forever to make. Some I semi make and then later I realise something better.

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Yes! This is perfect for my senior moments!

  6. HA! Yes, been there, couldn’t decide if I wanted to do that or not!

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