Rain Makes a Difference

Thursday Beau mentioned how much plants had grown with just a little rain. It reminded me of 2022. Here are a couple of pictures taken in May after the fire:

And here is what that area looked like in August:

Rain does make a difference.

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22 Responses to Rain Makes a Difference

  1. Rose says:

    That is such an improvement! I just love the way the mountains in the distance are greening up.

  2. Sandra Hangey says:

    Now that is a real difference! I love it both ways but I prefer the green of course. We can see a marked difference there will be no flowers on the Hibiscus and it only has to rain a few drops and the next day it has flowers and if I pour water on them which I do three times a week they don’t flower they want the rain

  3. Hooray for natures irrigation!!!

  4. Wonderful photos after the rain. We need a little rain over here.

    God bless.

  5. Myra Guca says:

    Great illustrations! Tom still misses Arizona, but last evening he allowed how an old friend commented on a photo he’d posted (FB) … “It’s so very green!”

  6. Big difference for sure!

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    The rejuvenation power of plants that look so fragile is amazing!!

  8. Bruce Taylor says:

    It’ amazing how they can survive a fire and come right back.

  9. The OP Pack says:

    That is quite the contrast. We have had a very wet Spring, and the grass and trees are all looking so lush and healthy. But once the summer heat hits, the ground dries out very quickly.

    • Jean says:

      That happens here too in in the spring/early summer. But in the old days we used to have a rainy season in July and August. Nothing is predictable now.

  10. Ann Thompson says:

    Yes, it’s amazing what a little rain can do. That’s a big difference in those pictures.

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