How About That!

Also the tomato has grown so tall that it needed to be staked.

And the beans are starting to grow.

All sorts of activity!

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14 Responses to How About That!

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    Wow, look how well everything is growing. Nice to have your own growing this time of year.

  2. The OP Pack says:

    And everything looks so green and healthy – the greenhouse is working marvelously!!!

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  3. tammy j says:

    I read once (can’t remember when or where but I did read it!)
    that plants enjoy music! might be fun to add to the experiment!
    they’re beautiful and healthy looking. 😀 so maybe they prefer quiet! lol

  4. Rose says:

    Oh, my, is this fun, or what!

  5. Catalyst says:

    ‘Scuze me. Just wanted you to know there’s a loop of string in your corn patch.

  6. JeanR. says:

    Ohmygosh, isn’t that corn tassel exciting!

  7. Audra Adelberger says:

    corn, beans, tomatoes—surely you plan on squash too? A true New Mexican farm, steeped in history, past melding into present and future.
    but wait! this is March! 🙂

    Congratulations, Andy.

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