
We’re still waiting to hear about the fire. They have more people working on it and the winds haven’t been as bad, so we’re hopeful. As far as we can tell they’ve managed to protect the houses closest to the fire. Fingers crossed about the wind.

Speaking of the wind — Andy had to shut the fans off before he left Friday.

June 8, 2020, Fan on the East

June 8, 2020, Fan on the West

The wind was so strong it wouldn’t let the vents on the west stay open so the fan overheated and shut off. Andy shut the power off to them, assuming he would turn them back on the next day. Now he’s guessing the greenhouse will overheat and kill the plants. It’s not a big deal for most of the plants, he’s already been clearing out the old ones and replanting.

The perennial plumeria and avocado are a different matter.

February 12, 2021, Andy looking at avocado and plumeria.

They came from Beate so she may be bringing us replacements. Thanks again, Beate!

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20 Responses to Replanting?

  1. tammyj says:

    I am having trouble even thinking about it all.
    there is nothing so devastating as a fire to me.
    but then someone who lives with huge floods would find that terrible.
    we have certainly managed to mess up the world.

  2. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    Kind of sad, but good news about the fire!

  3. Rose says:

    I have always been afraid of fire…yet I love to sit by a fire. I hope the avocado and the other plant survive.

  4. Hootin Anni says:

    If it isn’t one thing, it’s another!

    Oh the trials…..

    Hoping the winds die down, rain comes, firefighters get an upper hand!!!

  5. Myra+G. says:

    Fingers crossed!

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    Hope the winds stay down and they can get the fires out. Too bad about the plants in the greenhosue.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    I hope Andy will be able to go check on the plants soon, sad to think he will lose his plants, but better that than the building… never thought about the hot house getting to hot until now… prayers that fire will burn out and no longer be a danger. hugs to both of you

  8. Are there vents at the top of the greenhouse in addition to the fan? If so, hopefully too much heat won’t build up inside.

  9. Oh my! So sorry about that.

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