Snapshots and Procreate

One of the first things I did when we went up Sunday was walk around looking at the wildflowers and taking snapshots. They don’t do the flowers justice, but they’re good reminders of how the flowers looked. It was an exceptional year for them.

I saved the best of the pictures in this Flickr album.

I also spent a lot of time getting familiar with Procreate. In the past I had often started my drawings using pencil and paper, then scanned them into a photo editing program like Photoshop Elements to clean and digitize them. It was tedious but it worked. I wanted to see if Procreate was any easier, so I drew this rough sketch of a dinosaur and took a picture of it.

Then I imported it into Procreate and drew and colored the new version over it.

It’s not my favorite dinosaur but I was happy about how easy the process was. Much easier than what I had been doing.

I got the idea for the dinosaur from this book I bought months ago. It was so simple and cheerful I couldn’t resist.

As I’ve said before, I’m enjoying my second childhood even more than I did my first one.

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15 Responses to Snapshots and Procreate

  1. Linda Sand says:

    Yes, second childhood is wonderful! All the fun with none of the nagging parents. 🙂

  2. Hootin Anni says:

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with living a 2nd childhood. And I really enjoy what you do. The reference book, I bet, is a fun book. Share more pages maybe sometime soon?!!

  3. so much fun for sure – don’t give it up – next minute you’ll be putting more colours in your dinosaurs…

  4. MadSnapper says:

    wow, what a difference it made to your drawing to procreate it! love it and also love you are enjoying your 2nd childhood. I am liking mine also and think my childhood would have been different if it was lived now.. of course that is with the 78 year old brain knowledge, so who knows. have fun,

  5. Rose says:

    I love deed vthe flowers. Nothing wrong with enjoying life. A second childhood sounds good.

  6. I’m overdue for my own second childhood! Sometimes I wonder when I started becoming so serious. Anxious. I think it was about 10-11 years old. Pretty sure the wildflowers could teach us a lesson — bloom where you’re planted and don’t concern yourself about the future.

    • Jean says:

      I became very serious when I was about 10. I didn’t change until the summer before I went away to college. Then an inner voice asked, “If you’re so smart, why aren’t you happy?” Huh? It would be selfish to be happy when so many other people weren’t. “How is your moping around doing anyone any good?” Good point. I wanted everyone to be happy, but I had no control over them. So I decided to add to the net supply of happiness in the world by working on myself. Not a very profound purpose in life, but it was a good choice.

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    The flowers are all pretty.
    Love your dinosaur drawing. How fun. A second childhood is always better and I’m glad you are enjoying yours.

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