A Good Meaning of the Word?

Happiness does not exclude sadness – if a person responds to life, he’s sometimes happy and sometimes sad. What matters is he responds.
—Eric Fromm

This quote reminds me of the Stoic idea that happiness means living your values and focusing on the things you can control. If you’re firmly grounded in those values then when challenges come up you’re not tossed around, you’re not a helpless victim reacting blindly. You’re empowered to respond wisely. And no matter what happens you’re glad to be living the life you have, you wouldn’t trade with anyone. Do you think happiness is a good word to describe this?

Do you care about this one way or another? I do, this is the sort of thing I love to ponder on. But I may be unusual here. 🙂

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8 Responses to A Good Meaning of the Word?

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    Yes, absolutely. Happiness is a good word for that.

  2. Initially, I’d have said, “no.”
    Now that I’ve pondered, I’m liking the sound of it. Far better than mere Contentment.

  3. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    I never thought of it this way, but I agree. Wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving!

  4. yes in the main I’m in “happiness mode” but when things go pear shaped or off edge – I’m sad. Until I can find a way back to HM usually some art making will restore that HM or like today – went Public Transport hopping … first fine day for what seems like weeks!

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