Andy Stayed in the House Yesterday

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The west wind was so bad he had to go out the east door of the house, and he didn’t even try to go inside the greenhouse. That door is heavy and on the west…he wouldn’t have been able to control it because of the wind. So he worked on his electronics.

It pays to be flexible.

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14 Responses to Andy Stayed in the House Yesterday

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    I think winds like that would make me nervous. Not to mention seeing a fire weather alert.

    • Jean says:

      We’re not too worried about fire up there yet, and Andy is careful about having a 100-foot defensible space around our buildings. Also the fire last summer burned a lot of the fuel load on our property.

  2. MadSnapper says:

    fire is the scariest of all , above hurricanes or storms. glad he stayed home. hope both of you and your mountain stay safe, I am trying to plan a post for tomorrow but may not make it.

    • Jean says:

      He didn’t stay home. He stayed inside the house working on his electronics. It wasn’t dangerous, just a darned nuisance.

  3. One of my favorite quotes, “If Plan A doesn’t work the alphabet has 25 more letters.”

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:


  5. Flexible is good! Stay safe.

    Thank you for the nice comment on my blog.

  6. always good to have options – stay safe though

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