Celebrating Our Successes

These are pictures of Andy taken last August, when he was soldering on a circuit board.

Tuesday he came home happy in spite of the wind. He had managed to put some of the little components into the even tinier holes, which required a steady hand.

One of the secrets of happiness is to celebrate our successes. Yay, Andy!

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18 Responses to Celebrating Our Successes

  1. yes celebrate successes even as it turned out for me today, about 1/2 of the list has a “tick” but I’ve a lot of time up my sleeve to achieve the rest…

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    I was thinking when I looked at the picture that he must have a very steady hand to do work like this. I imagine a little slip of the soldering gun and it would mess the whole thing up.

  3. YES — YAY to Andy for a steady hand, and good eyesight too!!

  4. MadSnapper says:

    wow, congrats on that steady hand and being able to SEE those tiny parts. Yay Andy

  5. Andy always has a project to keep his mind and body working.

  6. Great tip. I need to start congratulating myself on little victories v. negative self-talk.

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    So what equipment does the circuit board belong to? this is tiny and exacting work for sure. Congrats, Andy!

  8. The Happy Whisk (Ivy) says:

    Congrats to Andy. It is fun to celebrate! Here’s to a fun weekend ahead.

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