Monthly Archives: July 2021
We Lucked Out on the Weather
This is the view from our porch Friday morning. (For higher resolution, click here). How neat is that? We were so lucky we had some moisture before Kaitlin, Torben, and the pups came. Things were green instead of dry and … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
A Delightful Surprise
When Andy got out the brush cutter and started to work on the defensible space today, he realized how much Torben had done. So Andy finished it off and, needless to say, he’s very happy. Thank you, Torben! July 10, … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
Kaitlin’s Garden
Kaitlin planned and planted her garden and installed the drip irrigation and fertilization system. It will be fun to see how things grow. July 8, 2021
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
Another Great Day
Andy using the brush cutter on a path we sometimes take: Kaitlin and Torben preparing the greenhouse for Kaitlin’s garden: More details later. July 7, 2021
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
Torben and the Brush Cutter
Here’s a picture he took of us. Thanks, Torben! July 7, 2021
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
The Brush Cutter and the Weed Whacker
Among other things Sunday, Andy, Kaitlin, and Torben changed the blade of the brush cutter. Both Kaitlin and Torben tested it to see how it worked. Here’s a picture of Torben trying it on the steep slope by the house. … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
We had a great time yesterday, it was relaxed but there were still plenty of things to keep us amused. Andy, Kaitlin, and Torben gathered some ladybugs from under oak leaves and transported them to the greenhouse. Andy and I … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
They’re Here!
They arrived about 7 PM, stopped to chat a bit and change cars, then drove up to the land to get settled. Kaitlin wrote: ….Elk on the drive in, bunny by the front door when we arrived, and coyotes howling … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
A Potful of Pictures
I’ve been practicing taking pictures with my iPhone, so I took a few in Santa Fe while I was waiting for Andy at the eye doctor’s Thursday. I also took some on the drive back home: A lot more pictures, … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure
Andy said I was being unfair to the wildflowers when I implied that all flowers had to be protected by cages up on the land. He was right, of course. Hang in there little wildflowers. We’re rooting for you! July … Continue reading
Posted in Life As a Shared Adventure